Methods for moisture storage and transport property determination of autoclaved aerated concrete
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Xella Technologie- und Forschungsgesellschaft, Section of Applied Research and Building Physics, Hohes Steinfeld 1, 14797 Kloster Lehnin, Germany
Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Building Climatology, Zellescher Weg 17, 01069 Dresden, Germany
Publication date: 2011-12-01
Cement Wapno Beton (Special 2011 16) 70-77 (2011)
The hygric performance of autoclaved aerated concrete is a key determinant for many other material properties as e.g. thermal conduction, carbonation or shrinkage behavior. Laboratory determination of hygric material properties, i.e. moisture storage and moisture transport, is hence a prerequisite and a standard in production and process supervision. In that context, prediction and simulation of the hygric material performance based on numerical calculation models has become a widely used research and design tool. However, for assessment of the material behavior under variable climatic conditions, the hygric material properties have to be determined in a fi rst step. In a second step, these properties have to be transformed into the non-linear coeffi cients required by these numerical calculation models. This paper is the fi rst out of two focusing on the fi rst step. It introduces different methods for moisture property determination. The methods cover the full range of possible moisture stages. Moisture storage and moisture transport is distinguished. For moisture transport, vapor and liquid phase transport is considered by different direct and indirect methods. The methods are applied for an aerated autoclaved concrete. The obtained data is shown and discussed. In a second step, described in a second paper [30], this data is used to derive the non-linear material functions required for sophisticated numerical simulation of the hygric material performance.
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