The effect of shrinkage reducing admixture and polypropylene fibers on drying shrinkage behaviour of concrete
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Department of Civil Engineering, Eng. Faculty, Uludag University, Nilüfer-Bursa, Turkey
Publication date: 2019-07-11
Cement Wapno Beton 24(3) 227-237 (2019)
The paper presents comparative studies on the impact of polypropylene fibers and commercial shrinkage reducing admixture on the drying shrinkage, water absorption, as well as compressive strength of concrete. Concretes with a constant cement content, water/cement ratio and consistency with the addition of admixture and fibers tested separately as well as introduced together were tested. The obtained results showed that the addition of fibers increases the need for a superplasticizing admixture in order to obtain the assumed consistency. The use of shrinkage reducing admixture and polypropylene fibers has a positive effect on the compressive strength and the permeability of concrete. Both the shrinkage reducing admixture as well as the fibers have reduced the drying shrinkage of the concrete. The impact of fibers on shrinkage was greater than the impact of the admixture. Regarding the drying shrinkage, the experimental results showed that the simultaneous addition of shrinkage reducing admixture and polypropylene fibers did not show a beneficial effect, on the contrary, it only caused an increase in costs.
The authors would like to thank Bursa Concrete Inc., Polisan Construction Chemicals Company and BASF Chemicals Company authorities for their kind assistance in providing the cement, water reducing admixture, shrinkage reducing admixture and polypropylene fi bers as well as determining the chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties of these products. In addition, the authors thank for the support of the Center for Scientifi c Research of the University of Bursa Uludag [BAP] under the grant number AYP (MH) -2016/16. In addition, the third author would like to thank for the scholarship of the Turkish Technical and Technical Council [TUBITAK] under grants 217M408 during his doctoral studies.
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