Possibilities for optimal use of properties of autoclaved aerated concrete
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Politechnika Śląska
Publication date: 2019-09-25
Cement Wapno Beton 24(5) 383-399 (2019)
The extensive research programme was mainly used to learn details about properties of AAC masonry and the effect of various factors, which should be included or neglected at the design phase. Moisture content of AAC was found to have a significant effect, arbitrary defined in standards. The type of used mortar and technology of reinforcement embedding in bed joints is also very important. Results obtained for large and middle-size units indicated the significance of reinforcement, which is completely neglected in standards. Further works will focus on employing the obtained results in analytical models of load-bearing capacity of compressed walls and shear stiffening walls, taking into account the best possible use of AAC. At first, recommendations of Eurocode PN-EN 1990 which allows for design methods based on tests to verify the proposed models.
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