New solutions for prefabricated fl oor slabs
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Politechnika Krakowska
Publication date: 2019-09-25
Cement Wapno Beton 24(5) 372-382 (2019)
Concrete floors constitute the vast majority of all types of floors erected worldwide. They do not require additional fire protection measures or periodical maintenance work that is necessary in the case of steel components, thus reducing the cost of their exploitation. Special concretes and prestressing technology are increasingly common in the production of concrete floors. The desire to de-load the structure is the driving force behind looking for ways of applying light-aggregate concretes in floor production. The application of fine-grain high performance concretes with textile carbon fibres reinforcement in concrete prefabrication processes seems an interesting solution, allowing for incomparably smaller cross-sections of the used elements than the components currently used in the traditional reinforced concrete technology. Although innovations in the area of on-site RC construction are not uncommon, prefabrication still constitutes a technology that is the most open to creating and implementing new and unconventional solutions in the construction industry.
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